Disney Fairy Tales

A Disney wedding inspiration blog. Helping you find ideas for Disney wedding dresses, cakes, invitations, hair styles and accessories.

Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our website address is: https://disneyfairytales.com. Aside from the regular statistics logs for our site, the only information DisneyFairyTales.com has about you is the information you send us in an email.

We’ll use our statistics logs for the regular stuff-figuring out what’s not working on the site, the features our visitors find most interesting, that kind of thing. We haven’t opened those logs to anyone who’s not a member of the DisneyFairyTales.com staff, and we don’t have current plans to do so.

We don’t currently put cookies on your computer or read the cookies that are already there. At some point, we may decide to use cookies, but only for remembering customized site features (preferred views, and so on). However, some of our advertisers may use cookies on our site for other reasons. This privacy policy doesn’t cover cookies used by third parties.

Google and other services deliver ads to our site. Those services collect information about user’s actions (how many times you’ve viewed an ad), but no personal information.

Following links
DisneyFairyTales.com provides several links to sites over which we have no control. Of course, as you follow those links, you become subject to the privacy policy of the site you’re visiting.

Legal disclaimer
We’ll do everything we can to protect your privacy, but there may be times when DisneyFairyTales.com needs to share personal information with authorities when required by law.

If anything changes, we’ll post the new stuff here. Thanks for reading.