I guess I have put off writing this story long enough. The only reason I am having a difficult time starting this is because I am so afraid that I will not write this story well enough. I want everyone to be able to read it and see that it was one of the most amazing days of my life and the memory of this day is something that I will never forget. It was perfect and I want only the perfect words to be used to describe it. So I guess I will give it a try. . . .
Friday June 1 – Waking up this morning I did not foresee that it was going to end up being one of the best days of my life. Janet (Scotty’s mom) was in town along with Katie (Scotty’s sister) and her family. Scotty and I spent the day with his mom and went out to dinner at Bahama Breeze. I should have suspected something when he was getting more dressed up for dinner than usual, but I just figured it was because his mom was in town, therefore it was a special occasion. After we ate dinner, we went to where his sister and her family were staying, to visit with them. As I spent time with Scotty and his family, I had this overwhelming feeling (even stronger than the one I already had ) that being with him was so right, it made my life complete. And at this moment I wanted more than anything to be a part of his family. Little did I know that I would be getting one step closer to that wish coming true as the night went on.
While visiting with Scotty’s family, Katie joked that being around all his nieces and nephews usually makes him change his mind about getting married and having children. I knew she had to be joking because they are all so adorable. We left them around 8:00 pm (I had to work at 5:30 am the next morning). We walked to the car and I asked Scotty, jokingly, if this had changed his mind about getting married and having kids. I would soon discover he really meant it when he answered no. As we got into the car we saw the most beautiful sunset, a perfect setting to a perfect day. Although, the best was yet to come…
When we arrived home I began getting my things ready for work for the next morning and the phone rang. I assumed it was Scotty’s mom telling him what time they would meet for breakfast the next day. However after he got off the phone he said that it was his sister, her and her husband were going to stop by to see our apartment. We live only 5 minutes from the hotel they were staying at and I knew they were on their way out to dinner so it sounded believable. Scotty then asked if I could possibly run to the store for them and pick up Rolaids. Which I did not think was strange, since they had been eating theme park food and pizza all week. He even volunteered to go get it himself, but I figured it would be better for him to stay home and wait for Katie and Roger (Kasey’ husband). I headed for the grocery store (only 10 minutes away). When I shop I am usually in and out, so Scotty knew he didn’t have much time, so I am amazed at what he did in the time I was gone. I returned from the store, assuming Katie and Roger were at the apartment or just about to be there. However as I walked up the stairs I saw a note on our door. I was confused and as I got closer to read it, it read, “You are invited to join me for a movie and here is your ticket.” (he had taped the ticket stub from the movie we had met at “What Women Want”). Now I was even more confused. I was thinking that his sister was on her way, what was going on. I then unlocked the door and opened it to a room full of candles and music, similar

to Monica and Chandler’s proposal on Friends. My favorite show, although I didn’t think of this until later. I was just trying to figure out what was going on at the time. Scotty entered the room and told me to put down the groceries and took my hand and lead me by the couch. I was still completely in shock at what was happening. As he got down on his knee, a smile grew across my face and I began to understand. I was so happy that I didn’t really comprehend what he was saying. I did hear it, but it was so surreal. He said to me “If you will be my princess I will be your knight in shining armor and love you forever . . . will you marry me?” He was nervous, but I couldn’t stop smiling. I couldn’t believe he was proposing to me!?! I said YES without even thinking, I didn’t have to. We hugged and I just kept smiling. The joy I felt was so overwhelming. I couldn’t cry, because I couldn’t stop smiling, it was like it was all a dream. Every bad thing that had happened in my life seemed to be erased from my memory and I felt like the happiest girl in the world. Was this dream really coming true?! Even the ring was perfect! It is so difficult for me to explain the happiness I felt at this moment. I only hope that all of you have or will be able to experience this feeling in your lives, because it is so amazing. As for the movie, Scotty had bought the DVD “What Women Want” so we ended the perfect day watching the movie that started it all, as we drank wine and celebrated.
Marie 😉