Friday afternoon December 15th, Megan, a good friend of mine, called me at work asking me if I wanted to go to the movies that night with some friends of hers. Jokingly I asked her, “Are any of them cute?” She said, “Well, actually there is one of my friends that works at the Studios (Disney-MGM Studios) that is going and she’s cute.” So I decided to go and meet them at the movies at 9:00 p.m. Megan actually met me outside the theater so the others could save us seats. I met up with Megan and we proceeded into the movie theater.

This is where I first set my eyes on a beautiful woman (Marie) that had her blonde hair pulled back with her cute little glasses on. Megan sat down next to Marie then I sat next to Megan. Megan then introduced me. We both said “hi” to each other and politely shook hands. The very first thing that I really noticed about her was her smile. She has a smile that can brighten any room. After that introduction that’s all we spoke the rest of the night. Oddly enough, the movie we watched was “What Women Want”. During the movie I could hear her cute little giggles. For some reason I just new she was a really nice person. After the movie we all walked our separate ways, except Megan and I. I walked with Megan to the parking lot, she asked me what I thought of Marie. I said that she was cute and I would really like to go out on a date with her. Megan said that she’ll give her a call to see what she thinks about me.

The next day I received the call from Megan saying that Marie wouldn’t mind going out on a date. So after I got Marie’s pager number, I paged her (anyone remember pagers?!). When she returned my page, I asked her if she’d like to go out sometime to get a bite to eat. We made a date for December 20th at 7:30 p.m. I was so nervous when this day finally came. I went to pick her up, coincidentally her apartment was right across the street from Celebration, FL (the community I lived in at the time). After I arrived and she opened the door, I was mesmerized. She had her hair down this time and that big smile of hers was overwhelming. I also noticed that she had the most amazing blue eyes. I still remember what she was wearing, a purple glittery sweater and black pants. She looked simply amazing. I sat down in her living room getting to know her dog, Hannah, while she continued getting ready. While I was sitting there, I just kept saying “Wow!” to myself and wondering how I was so lucky going out on a date with her. From the minute we got into my car and started talking, I knew there was something there. During our dinner at Bennigan’s, there was none of that awkward silence. We did a lot of talking and laughing. We saw eye-to-eye on a lot of things. I truly know what “chemistry” is all about now. The dinner was quickly coming to an end, but I didn’t want it to, so I asked Marie if she wanted to go see a movie. She accepted and we went to see Charlie’s Angels. I figured since she wanted to continue the date she thought things were going well too. After the movie, I took her home and told her that I hope I made it to a second date. She said for me to call her. The next day at work, all I could talk about is that I found “her”. Just after that first date I knew that Marie was “the one”. I had already thought that I could spend the rest of my life with this person. So, I made it to a second date, third date, and on our fourth we had our 1st kiss. Already at this stage I wanted to tell her that I loved her and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. From this moment on there was only one or two times that we have missed a day without seeing or at least talking to each other. She is the most precious, thoughtful, wonderful, intelligent, and beautiful person to come into my life. I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her. I have to give a very special “THANK YOU” to our matchmaker Megan for bringing our lives together.

Here’s Marie’s How We Met Story!